Flandor Flavours International, your partner
For 3 generations, Flandor Flavours International has been adding flavour to all your dishes and food products. Flavour is a complex thing. It is an interplay of senses, brain activity and context. It is instilled in you by tradition, culture, age and lifestyle. It is a fascinating, varied world.
Since 1976, Flandor Flavours International has invested in building knowledge to unravel and master this mystique. Several thousand formulas over the years, have given products from professional food companies their own identity. By using flavouring substances from Flandor Flavours International, the food producer is assured of a unique, high-quality and consistent flavour in his final product.
In line with the evolving market and its expectations, systematic investment is made in the development of new flavours, new market trends and answers to contemporary needs. Spurred on by the increasingly demanding customer, Flandor Flavours International keeps pushing its boundaries towards ever better food safety. Almost fifty years after the start of this family business, Flandor Flavours International is more than ever ready to "set the lines" of contemporary flavour with you in the future.
If you do not immediately find what you are looking for on the site, feel free to contact us. Together we will look for a possible solution for your specific needs.